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- " Vim syntax file
- " Language: Java Properties resource file (*.properties[_*])
- " Maintainer: Simon Baldwin <simonb@sco.com>
- " Last change: 26th Mar 2000
- " =============================================================================
- " Optional and tuning variables:
- " jproperties_lines
- " -----------------
- " Set a value for the sync block that we use to find long continuation lines
- " in properties; the value is already large - if you have larger continuation
- " sets you may need to increase it further - if not, and you find editing is
- " slow, reduce the value of jproperties_lines.
- if !exists("jproperties_lines")
- let jproperties_lines = 256
- endif
- " jproperties_strict_syntax
- " -------------------------
- " Most properties files assign values with "id=value" or "id:value". But,
- " strictly, the Java properties parser also allows "id value", "id", and
- " even more bizarrely "=value", ":value", " value", and so on. These latter
- " ones, however, are rarely used, if ever, and handling them in the high-
- " lighting can obscure errors in the more normal forms. So, in practice
- " we take special efforts to pick out only "id=value" and "id:value" forms
- " by default. If you want strict compliance, set jproperties_strict_syntax
- " to non-zero (and good luck).
- if !exists("jproperties_strict_syntax")
- let jproperties_strict_syntax = 0
- endif
- " jproperties_show_messages
- " -------------------------
- " If this properties file contains messages for use with MessageFormat,
- " setting a non-zero value will highlight them. Messages are of the form
- " "{...}". Highlighting doesn't go to the pains of picking apart what is
- " in the format itself - just the basics for now.
- if !exists("jproperties_show_messages")
- let jproperties_show_messages = 0
- endif
- " =============================================================================
- " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
- " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
- if version < 600
- syntax clear
- elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
- finish
- endif
- " switch case sensitivity off
- syn case ignore
- " set the block
- exec "syn sync lines=" . jproperties_lines
- " switch between 'normal' and 'strict' syntax
- if jproperties_strict_syntax != 0
- " an assignment is pretty much any non-empty line at this point,
- " trying to not think about continuation lines
- syn match jpropertiesAssignment "^\s*[^[:space:]]\+.*$" contains=jpropertiesIdentifier
- " an identifier is anything not a space character, pretty much; it's
- " followed by = or :, or space or tab. Or end-of-line.
- syn match jpropertiesIdentifier "[^=:[:space:]]*" contained nextgroup=jpropertiesDelimiter
- " treat the delimiter specially to get colours right
- syn match jpropertiesDelimiter "\s*[=:[:space:]]\s*" contained nextgroup=jpropertiesString
- " catch the bizarre case of no identifier; a special case of delimiter
- syn match jpropertiesEmptyIdentifier "^\s*[=:]\s*" nextgroup=jpropertiesString
- else
- " here an assignment is id=value or id:value, and we conveniently
- " ignore continuation lines for the present
- syn match jpropertiesAssignment "^\s*[^=:[:space:]]\+\s*[=:].*$" contains=jpropertiesIdentifier
- " an identifier is anything not a space character, pretty much; it's
- " always followed by = or :, and we find it in an assignment
- syn match jpropertiesIdentifier "[^=:[:space:]]\+" contained nextgroup=jpropertiesDelimiter
- " treat the delimiter specially to get colours right; this time the
- " delimiter must contain = or :
- syn match jpropertiesDelimiter "\s*[=:]\s*" contained nextgroup=jpropertiesString
- endif
- " a definition is all up to the last non-\-terminated line; strictly, Java
- " properties tend to ignore leading whitespace on all lines of a multi-line
- " definition, but we don't look for that here (because it's a major hassle)
- syn region jpropertiesString start="" skip="\\$" end="$" contained contains=jpropertiesSpecialChar,jpropertiesError,jpropertiesSpecial
- " {...} is a Java Message formatter - add a minimal recognition of these
- " if required
- if jproperties_show_messages != 0
- syn match jpropertiesSpecial "{[^}]*}\{-1,\}" contained
- syn match jpropertiesSpecial "'{" contained
- syn match jpropertiesSpecial "''" contained
- endif
- " \uABCD are unicode special characters
- syn match jpropertiesSpecialChar "\\u\x\{1,4}" contained
- " ...and \u not followed by a hex digit is an error, though the properties
- " file parser won't issue an error on it, just set something wacky like zero
- syn match jpropertiesError "\\u\X\{1,4}" contained
- syn match jpropertiesError "\\u$"me=e-1 contained
- " other things of note are the \t,r,n,\, and the \ preceding line end
- syn match jpropertiesSpecial "\\[trn\\]" contained
- syn match jpropertiesSpecial "\\\s" contained
- syn match jpropertiesSpecial "\\$" contained
- " comments begin with # or !, and persist to end of line; put here since
- " they may have been caught by patterns above us
- syn match jpropertiesComment "^\s*[#!].*$" contains=jpropertiesTODO
- syn keyword jpropertiesTodo TODO FIXME XXX contained
- " Define the default highlighting.
- " For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
- " For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
- if version >= 508 || !exists("did_jproperties_syntax_inits")
- if version < 508
- let did_jproperties_syntax_inits = 1
- command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
- else
- command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
- endif
- HiLink jpropertiesComment Comment
- HiLink jpropertiesTodo Todo
- HiLink jpropertiesIdentifier Identifier
- HiLink jpropertiesString String
- HiLink jpropertiesExtendString String
- HiLink jpropertiesCharacter Character
- HiLink jpropertiesSpecial Special
- HiLink jpropertiesSpecialChar SpecialChar
- HiLink jpropertiesError Error
- delcommand HiLink
- endif
- let b:current_syntax = "jproperties"
- " vim:ts=8